Chatham University was once called Chatham College and was formed on Dec. 11, 1869. The university is mainly located at Woodland Road in the Shadyside neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA 15232. The main campus is 39 acres with much of the land and building donated by wealthy steel magnates and factory barons who in the past resided there.
A separate portion of the campus is located north of Pittsburgh in Richland Township, PA and includes 388 acres.
Chatham University was once an all female college but recently a minority of males attend classes there. Ghost wise, many years ago, there were stories of some the female students seeing a mysterious lady dressed in blue clothes and, at other times, stories of small ghostly children that talk to people and then do mischief. After a brief appearance, these small spirit children seem to mysteriously go out of sight of the observers. There also have been reports of mysterious loud noises. These are just a few of the spiritual mediumistic occurrences that have been reported. Here a just a few of the spooky places at Chatham:
Fickes Hall – Formerly the residence of Edwin Stanton Fickes of Alcoa, built in 1927 became a dorm in the forties. Fickes walks the rooms of his old home, mischievously opening desks, and closets. Stories of a woman have been reported who committed suicide and a young boy who fell from a window are part of the dark history of the mansion.
Mellon Center – Home of Andrew W. Mellon, wealthy Pittsburgh banker, and industrialist is another ghost who has come back to visit. An apparition frequents the swimming pool and bowling lanes. Some say that the smell of cigars lingers as sounds of men talking are among the Mellon Centers charms, perhaps not unlike it was as far back as the 1880’s.
Julia & James Rhea House – Here a maid had an affair with Andrew Mellon and hung herself. The specter of a young woman reputably walks within the house and babies have been heard crying.
Woodland Hall – A spirit of a woman in a blue chiffon dress is perhaps the most famous ghost of all. This structure was built in 1909 now houses over one hundred students. The “Blue Lady of Woodland Hall” is best known for hovering over students as they awake from sleep.
In all Chatham University is so famous for haunt stories that every year a “”Ghost Walk” is held in late October. Call Chatham University and ask for more information (412) 365-1100.
For a virtual tour of popular Halls and Dorms at Chatham University click here:
More on the Ghosts at Chatham: