The ancient Jews deeply pondered their religion of Judaism. These Jews wondered, for many centuries, such questions as what type of personality does God have, how can a worshiper of God become closer to God, what type of powers does God have, what type of magic allows God to perform miracles, how can you meet with God, how do you befriend God, how can you have a personal relationship with God so God will help you in life and perform miracles to make your life a great deal better, etc., etc., etc. Jews also wondered how a Jew should act in life in such ways that are the most pleasing to God and things a Hew should do and should not do. So, over a ling period of years and years, Jewish rabbis and Jewish scholars wrote a series of books that allegedly answer these questions and provided personal comments. These books became the basis of the Jewish Kabballa. To meditate on these writings as well as the sacred books of the Old Testament Bible became Jewish mysticism.
Cabbala Books: The Torah(the first five books of the Old Testament Bible all ascribed to Moses. The stories of God, creation, man, God’s two way conversations with special people, usually men, with blessings, warnings, curses, instructions? etc.), the Zohar( the chief text of the Jewish Cabballa outside the Jewish Bible that provides an allegorical or mystical interpretation of the Pentaxeuch; which is also known as the Torah; the Zohar also reveals some beliefs about the origin and structure of the universe-cosmonology-from Judaic points of view and Judaic philosophy), the Midrash ( provides critical explanations or interpretations of ancient Jewish writings), the Talmud (the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious laws and Jewish theology). These books mentioned are the type of Cabballah books that come to mind, but there are other books on the Kabbalah which many people are generally unaware of.
In Judaism, there are many ancient miracle stories. Some of the many miracle stories are as follows: The Red Sea is parted to allow the Israelite’s to escape the Egyptians (Exodus 14:22), Pharaoh’s army is destroyed in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:23-30), Mose’s face shines after receiving the ten commandments (Exodus 34:29-35), Gid causes the sun and the moon to stand still as God delivers the Amorites to Joshua(Joshua 10: 12-14), Elisha and Elijah are taken by to heaven by a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:8); Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednegro are kept from being burnt alive in a fiery furnace (Daniel 3:12-38), King Daniel saved by an angel from being eaten alive by lions (Daniel 6:16-23).

In regards to stories of Qabbala masters being able to produce miracles; modern science sees such stories as simply stories and so far no really convincing evidence has appeared. The belief in Caballa occultists being able to produce miracles is based on the beliefs that God talked to Adam and Eve, the first people on earth, and later on other humans in ancient Hebrew and therefore someone who prays to God should pray in ancient Hebrew. That God should be addressed by various ancient Hebrew titles of honor names and addressed most especially by ancient Hebrew sacred personal name as Jehovah, as uttered by God Himself. By doing such things and leading a highly moralistic upright life style, there was a belief that God, Himself, would appear to at least a very small number of people, talk to them, and perform miracles and bestow, at certain times, the power of people, themselves, to work miracles.
Ancient Hebrew names For God: YHWH, El, Eloah, Elohim, Shaddai (“Almighty”), Whyeh(“IAm”), Tzevot (“of Hosts”), Jehovah, Yahweh. The Most Popular Names For God Used in Judaism: Tetragrammaton, El, YHWH: Yahweh; Jehovah, Elohim, El Shaddai(“God Almighty:), Ehyeh (“I Am”), and Adonai(My Lord”) Tzevaot”(“Of Hosts”).
A few Popular Old Testament Biblical Verses as used in prayers or writings on amulets, talismans, good luck charms):
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1). “Even though I walk through the valley if death?, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; my rod and staff accompany me.” (Psalm 24:4). “The LORD bless thee and keep thee; the LORD make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious to thee; the LORD lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26).
The Star of David, drawn over various good luck charms, amulets, and talismans, sacred symbol of the Jews; ancient two triangles imposed together, one pointing upward, the other pointing downward to mean “As in the sky or heaven above to downward to the earth below.

The Seven Archangels in ancient Judaism, some having special; unique attributes, who were solicited by the Jews to help them in life. Archangels: Michael (Protector), Gabriel (Relavation), Uriel (Wisdom), Raphael (Healing), Selaphiel. Raguel, and Barachiel. Sometimes these arch angels were prayed to, other times their names were written on good luck charms, amulets, and talismans.
Golem Myths-There are a number of stories, centuries old, about the Jewish golem, a man made figure out of a man made of clay or mud that becomes magically alive. The most famous golem story is about Judah Leow ben Bezalel, the late 16th century rabbi of Prague, the capital city of The Czech Republic (formerly known as Czechoslovakia). There are a number of strong variations to the original story. The rabbi was a real rabbi who was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, Jewish philosopher, and Master Kabbalah occultist. He wrote a number of books.
There is a story from the 1800’s that the rabbi created living, moving, talking golem out of clay by a special magical ritual involving Jewish incantations and prayers, then gave the golem a “shem” a paper that has one of the sacred names of God written on it (in ancient Hebrew) into the golem’s mouth which made the golem come to life. There are many story variations with the golem as afterwards the golem goes wild, engages in a murdering spree and later the rabbi yanks out the shem from the golem’s mouth causing its death by making it crumble to dust. A story variation is that the big, heavy golem, before crumbling, falls on the rabbi, killing him.