Tibet is a Buddhist eastern Asian nation that was forcibly incorporated into The People’s Republic of China on October 6, 1950 to complete annexation by May 23, 1951 under the armies of Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong. Also, on May 23, 1951 the government of Tibet was very reluctantly physically forced to sign the so-called 17 point agreement with China that amounted to a full surrender of the nation of Tibet and the people of Tibet.There have been various riots by the people of Tibet against Communist Chinese rule over many years, but these riots all failed, were brutally suppressed by the Chinese armies with much bloodshed, and caused the wrath of the Chinese ruling elite of Beijing throughout Tibet. In the 13th century, China officially assimilated Tibet into the Chinese domain of the Yuan Dynasty (1271 AD to 1368 AD). After a time period of control by the Mongrel Empire (13th century and 14 century) and the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet became successfully independent at some time in the 14th century, and Tibet then was ruled by various noble houses for the next 300 years.
In the 17th century, the senior lama of the Gelug School: the Dalia Lama became the supreme ruling authority. In the 18th century, a Qing Dynasty (1636 to full growth to 1644 to the end of reign in 1912) military force conquered China until 1912 when the dynasty became deposed and China became a republic.In the 1700’s and in 1910-1912, Qing Chinese military forces tried to conquered Tibet, who they regarded as a vassal state of China. In 1959, the 14th Dalia Lama fled Tibet, then went to India while setting up a provisional government in exile for Tibet that was basically of very little challenge to mainland Red (Communist) China’s rule over Tibet.

For many centuries, Tibet has been known as a country where there is a tremendous study of occultism, magical phenomena, the paranormal, the mysterious, things of a psychic and spiritual mediumistic nature. There are said to be certain spiritual masters; certain mystics who allegedly have supernatural powers and can do utterly amazing things. There are cases where these masters of magic, in their advanced old age, have accepted a pupil; a novice to teach their secrets of development and later physical demonstrations to before these teachers die. But the pupil must be highly ethical, willing to generally keep secrets, and basically be a very honorable person.
We shall talk more about what type of country Tibet is geographically and mention some extra history of Tibet which is very sad and happened since the middle of the twentieth century. Tibet is a somewhat large country under occupied China. Tibet covers much of the Tibetan Plateau and the nation is in size 474, 300 square kilometers or 293,716.35647817 miles. The highest region on the earth is Tibet, with an average elevation of 4, 380 meters or 14,000 feet. Located in the Himalayas, the highest elevation in Tibet is Mount Everest, the earth’s tallest mountain, ascending 8,848.86 meters or 20,032 feet above sea level. The nation of Tibet has been called “The Roof of the World”. The capital city of Tibet is the ancient city of Lhasa, which has been a holy religious city and the capital since the 9th century. At one time, Tibet had a tremendous number of temples, shrines, monasteries which were mainly Buddhist, with some holy buildings, and sites belonging to Bon, a pre-Buddhist indigenous religion that is shamanic and animistic. The Bon religion is conducted by priests called shen (gshen) or bonpo (bon po). Buddhism first reached Tibet around the 7th century, and within a few centuries became the dominant religion of the Tibetan Plateau. The Bon religion now comprises a sizable minority and during many centuries has influenced the formation of Tibetan Buddhism.
In the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s the armies of Chinese Military Leader and Supreme Political Authority, Mao Zedong, a follower of very radical Marxism and Leninism which taught atheism and hatred of religion, Mao Zedong destroyed tens of thousands of religious houses of worship, monasteries, and shrines all throughout Tibet including ancient holy buildings and sites. Chinese Communists ransacked sacred Tibetan monasteries and libraries. A very great many monks and priests and political activists were also killed. Since the time of the invasion of the armies of Communist China, over 1.2 million Tibetans were killed according to the Dalia Lama from Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso and known to the Tibetan people as Gyalwa Rinpoche, out of 6 million Tibetans population and thousands of Tibetans have been imprisoned according to the humanitarian group Human Rights Watch that also reported that under the Chinese Communists, inmates in Tibet are regularly beaten, malnourished, and mistreated, including Buddhist monks and Buddhist priests. A tiny fraction of ancient and medieval religious buildings and shrines were rebuilt by the Communist Chinese government, but only for the sake of money spending tourists, especially foreign tourists.
Many, many years ago on a world news network television broadcast, a group of Tibetan Buddhist clergy claimed to American reporters to have done a magical ritual to unleash an army of invisible demons against the Chinese Communist armies that warred against Tibet and the Tibetans.Tibet was once a Buddhist “Kingdom” a spiritual country and at one time at least a fourth of all males were part of a religious Buddhist clergy. Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong, of course, changed all of that scenario. Most Tibetans want their independence from the Chinese.Because of the very great number of holy institutions, worship centers, and religious education centers that used to be found throughout Tibet, the nation would have a large population of holy persons, especially of males. Pious people are at times believed to have special mystical powers in which they can do amazing, sensational feats. The same belief permeates in the Western Hemisphere nations where pious people, also known as saints, at least in certain stories are believed to have some sort of magical powers.
Marco Emilio Polo (1254-1324), was a Venetian merchant, explorer, and writer who traveled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271 and 1295. In his book, “The Travels of Marco Polo”, there are allegedly sections where he described seeing Tibetan lamas levitate (float in the air) and fly.and an instance he supposedly witnessed where a Tibetan lama levitated a golden wine cup to the adjacent Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan (1215-1294) who was the Supreme Leader of the Mongol Empire and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty of China, officially called The Great Yuan (1271 to 1368). When thinking of Westerners who have visited Tibet, a very prominent woman comes to mind by the name of Alexandra David-Neel (1868-1969). She was a Belgian-French explorer, spiritualist, a practicing Buddhist, anarchist, opera singer, profound historian of religion, linguist, and writer. She wrote over 30 books on Eastern religion, philosophy, and her travels. Her most widely known travel was to Lhasa, Tibet at a time when Tibet was closed to foreigners. Three of her important books on her travels on Tibet are “My Journey to Lhasa”, which was published in Paris, London, and New York in 1927 and “Magic and Mystery in Tibet”, published in 1929. and “With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet”, published in paperback on January 1,1937.
Madame Alexandra David-Neel actually lived in Tibet for more than 14 years and had the great honor of being received by the Dalia Lama. She studied philosophical Buddhism at large, special, historic, very old education institutions, she meditated in lonely caves, and on snowy, winter mountains with yogi hermits, and participated in normally secret magical rites performed in forests. In her writings, she described seeing lamas and of magicians who performed seemingly miraculous feats of levitation, mental telepathy, and walking on water. She talks about psychic development and teachings from sages, sorcerers, and mystics in Tibet. She also gives instructions on the ancient yogic practice of tumo, in which the practitioner can generate a limited amount of bodily heat in a certain degree of the cold, temporarily, developing such limited, but impressive endurance.

In Tibet, there are spiritual men, certain lamas, that demonstrate what people in the Western hemisphere of nations would refer to as mind reading. Parapsychologists call the same type of psychic phenomenon as mental telepathy. An old name in the West for mental telepathy that predates the phrase mental telepathy is called thought transference. Also, in Tibet are certain lamas who practice a deep form of meditation that allows them to perfectly relax their bodies, helps them to heal faster when they are able to heal, and in general helps them to develop more strength; and a greater physical endurance. Lamas also use deep meditation to remember things they have forgotten and in cases if they lost; misplaced a certain object, temporarily.
There is a great deal of good things the Western Hemisphere nations of the world and their peoples can learn for the educated elite of Tibet. All of the Tibetan religious centers destroyed by the armies of the Chinese Communists should be rebuilt. All the religious art of Tibet destroyed by the Chinese Communists should have reproductions created. All the Tibetan books destroyed by the Chinese Communists should be re-written by various authors on the same subjects. Buddhist jewelry should be fashioned again in great quantities and allowed to be worn, carried, and sold again in Tibet. Communist China should make Tibet great again as a spiritual country. May God bless Tibet and the Tibetan people.