Tuesday June 12, 2016, Saul Vazquetz, a trucker passing an accident scene a grabs a picture which occurred near Stanton Kentucky. When Vazquetz, reviewed the image he noticed an eerie figure hovering above the victim’s body and reports the incident a short time later on Facebook .
The crash involved a motorcyclist on Highway 15, who was taken to a local hospital and died sometime later.
Facebook :
“I took this picture just a few minutes ago from the cab of my truck, it was an accident between Campton and Stanton on the service road just off the mountain parkway, zoom in and pay attention to the shadow just off the top of the state trooper hat. All I can say is I hope everyone is okay!!”
The picture has gone viral and has caused a flurry of comments on Facebook . Many Social media users believe that the spirit of the fallen rider is mysteriously visible in the image, others aren’t so sure.
Clark County corner, Robert Gayheart states the victim was identified as Charles Deadman 74, who died from multiple force trama.
Tammy Silberger, Deadman’s daughter claims she believes in ghosts and angels and the wispy image was her father coming back for a moment to say goodbye to his family.
Deadman, a widower was a Harley Davidson enthusiast and often traveled from his home in Florida to places all around the country. Silberger reports that her father gave himself the nick name “The Deadman”.
Deadman is survived by two children, five grandchildren and three great-grand children.
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